Man oh man, can you ever waste some serious time on this website. There are bold, new realms of stupidness available to
you now, Thank you MySpace! Now, to be certain, MySpace is what you make it. If you spend time to customize the way your profile
page looks and give some real thought to the music, books, comments, pictures, and ideas presented there, you can actually
come up with a pretty neat little internet "single serving friend finder."
Except that they are not single serving friends (circa Fight Club) because once a person has BECOME YOUR MYSPACE FRIEND
they can contact you via instant messenging, dedicated email, comment on your page, send out bulletins of events around town,
or invite you to view thier blog. This might be gripping testimony from the front lines, or an inane "forward this to as many
people as possible to see who wants to FUCK you" survey full of sexally explicit, (allbeit, occaisonally funny) questions
Have you ever had sex in a car?
"Six foot girls have sex in LIMOSEINES, not CARS" - DJ Luna
Have you ever had a one nightstand?
"Yes there is one with a lamp on it, next to my bed" - DJ Luna
Cheetos or Doritos?
"Yo" - Digital Disco
Who was the last person to slip you the tounge?
"Digital's Mom. I keep telling her never to call me here..." - Anne Marie
You can make up a cool name or just use your own, and you can then throw photos of you punking on your floor, or standing
by your dog, or wearing a giant orange chicken outfit to the mall, complete with your thoughts, emoticon smileys that label
your mood and what you are currently listening to, and what the "We Have Left Handed Turtles Named Ralph" group is doing tonight,
Whatever you are into, there's probably a myspace group, and a rant or two, about it. I am into finding poets and photographers
right now...
Now, why, you ask, would I want to do that? Read random strangers views on things? And why would I want to see pictures
of strangers and their friends? OR THEIR FEET?Oddly enough, it is quite likely you have some long lost friends up in there.
People can search for each other, by region, or by interests, and your profile can be private if you don't want to be found.
If you are at all intersted in events around town, getting people into your thing, or meeting people with similar interests,
this site is white hot with things to do and people in the know. I find myself invited to something every day now, which feels
great, and is accompanied by the realization that if i go to every single party my friends are throwing I will certainly collapse
in a heap...which I might do anyway. So much going on...
These can be really interesting, like the ones Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) has been posting about Jason Mewes (Jay) and his
experiences with heroin/rehab and trying to live clean...and the new Clerks II trailers, which are hysterical. I found one
of my favorite artists, Alex Grey, writing about his current projects in his own words...and he was funny. There he was, clicks
away. incredible.
I would have had no idea how to ever find some of the amazing musicians and artists that have discovered me, and been discovered
by me, on this website. People who know me, or who feel some sort of comeraderie with me based on my page content, have been
able to show me some incredible new things, effortlessly, as we build up our little "cyber teams" of friends. Some people
just want numbers. Some are just internet sluts who want you to pay to see thier webcam, and some people never post pix of
themselves or anything and write you saying :"what's up? you're hot! wanna chat?" feel free to ingore these people. they go
and then there's the
out there who contacted me, charmed me with their text and cyber-presence, wined me, dined me, made me laugh, and haven't
been anything but delightful, so far.( And one asshole who thought he was all that.)
I also found a second contract job, doing telecom consulting for $40 an hour.
YES, you heard me $40 per hour, ON MYSPACE CLASSIFIEDS
and then another, for no money, writing reviews for a website....Hi Guys!
(yeah, it's my first time... glad you could be here to share in my newly lost reviewer virginity..stay tuned for gripping
insight by yours truly on THUMBSUCKER - THE MOVIE)
Overall, I am giving MySpace a thumbs up. I've been here two months and I cannot imagine what i did before. There are some
really very funny people out there, and they live all over the world. I found friends I had lost and friends I never knew
i had. Be as discerning as you like, but if you want to connect to the humans of Planet MySpace, you'l find there's never
a dull moment. It is what you make of it...and I have accidentally made it so my background picture won't show up...oops...sorry
I am working on this...and I should probably be working on something else, but everyone just keeps writing me all day inviting
me to fun parties and art shows and happy hours and...and...and.....
FRONT ROW BALCONY, (BUELL THEATRE - MAY 10TH...not that you can get a ticket now...)
'CAUSE SOME SWEET KID IN FT COLLINS i HAVEN'T MET YET LOVES THEM AS MUCH AS I DO and he decided that we should go, so he
is sporting me a ticket untill I can pay him back. I mean, whoa.
That's HUGE. He's cute but he's too young for me...but WHO CARES! WE ARE GOING TO TOOL!!!
I am staggered. There is some really incredibly wonderful stuff happening to me because of the people on this website..,
tons of idiots, and who knows who else, stalkers and weirdos, and it is easy to waste hours exchanging idiotic thougths
and imagery with them....back to being discerning. Whatch out for WIERDOS.
Reviewer: Anne Marie