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Manila Envelopes
Manila envelopes are truly delightful. They uphold the standard of what modern American society should be. In all that is, manila envelopes comes through for the common man. Sometimes you will go flacid or be unable to complete your duties, ergo the manila folder. It works around the clock to hold things for you. It's not like you can argue with a manila envelope and therefore I become upset with this product. If only there were some way to transform the manila envelope into a person so that I might be able to hate it I would sincerely win.

Polar Bears
They've failed to keep up their end of the deal. I suggest that we wage war with these assholes on the morrow. We cannot put up with the polar bears being too biteful.  It is of little importance to the bear community that polar bears try to get scientific funding for the furthering of their research. With such disdain for a particular medium, I can certainly understand why there would be a need for the next villain, one whom is of utmost propriety. 

Reviewing everything and anything since 2006.

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